RamAir Restoration Industry Association membership certificate (RIA)

RamAir is a member of the Restoration Industry Association!
The Restoration Industry Association (RIA) is the oldest and largest trade association representing the restoration and reconstruction industry with over 1,100 member firms worldwide. RIA serves and represents the interests of its members by promoting the highest ethical standards; providing education, professional qualification and certification opportunities; positively influencing regulations and governmental actions; and advancing the safety, image, efficiency, and competitiveness of industry members.
The Restoration Industry Association is the oldest and largest non-profit, professional trade association dedicated to providing leadership and promoting best practices through advocacy, standards & professional qualifications for the restoration industry.
Representing over 20,000 cleaning and restoration professionals from 1,100 member firms specializing in textiles, environmental issues, and restoration; RIA provides credibility, education and business improvement events to maximize industry exposure and advance knowledge in the cleaning and restoration industry. With an extensive network of professionals working towards similar goals, RIA has become a trusted resource of knowledge for those involved in cleaning and restoration.
Contact us to broaden your business opportunities, strengthen your training programs and promote your professionalism to the industry and beyond.
As a member of RIA, we encourage you to expand your member benefits throughout your company. Every employee is entitled to receive member discounts and become involved with the association. Membership benefits extends to all branch locations too. RIA exposes each location to the industry by listing your branches online as well as in our print directory. See our Member Benefits Guide for more information.

62971 Plateau Drive, Suite 400
Bend, OR 97701
(888) 2-RamAir
[email protected]