UpSell to Existing Cleaning Professionals

So you’ve heard for years that “there’s money in the ducts”….well, there really is…big money!
So you’ve heard this and thought….I already have an investment in my carpet cleaning, or my floor cleaning business, or my chimney cleaning or my general maintenance business, and can I really afford another investment? For as little as $1,995 you can get started adding on to your business with the very profitable RamAir Air Duct Cleaning System.
So you’ve heard that adding air duct cleaning to your current business will required a significant investment in a negative air truck mounted system, one that can cost $100,000 or more, not counting perhaps a new truck. Well, no it doesn’t have to be that way with RamAir! Our Platinum Package with a powerful Cyclonic Vacuum system costs only $4,495.
So you’ve heard that there’s hundreds of old rotary brush duct cleaning equipment for sale on Ebay and other selling marketplaces, and that rotary brush systems have been experiencing a slow death since flexible ducting was introduced, so is there really that much opportunity in duct cleaning? Well, there is with the right system. The RamAir system is the safest for use in flexible ducting and actually is the only system allowed by new home manufacturers in post-construction clean up so as not to rip and tear the flexible ducting and voiding home warranties.
Unlike the rotary system that are complicated and time consuming, the process of cleaning air ducts with RamAir can be learned in minutes and takes minutes to do a job. 100% return of your initial cost can be realized in a few jobs and you’ll soon realize that air duct cleaning with RamAir can be your most profitable services offered.
Join team RamAir, and be part of a group of thousands of satisfied, successful business people that have learned how easy is was to add air duct cleaning to their existing business.
There is money in the ducts!

62971 Plateau Drive, Suite 400
Bend, OR 97701
(888) 2-RamAir
[email protected]